On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Es Baluard Museu, Mallorca, we participate in the reflection on art spaces. We have to rethink the museum not only as a building, but also as a place. Starting from the main buildings conceived as centers and museums on the island (Fundació Miró-Mallorca, Fundació Toni Catany and Es Baluard Museum), the round table: “Spaces for art: the architecture of museums· deals with the relationship between contemporary architecture and exhibition spaces.

For this, we participated with Rafael Moneo (Miró-Mallorca Foundation), Luis García-Ruiz (Es Baluard Museum), Vicente Tomás (Es Baluard Museum) sharing the challenges when designing and creating a building that houses and exhibits a collection, the specificities of the environment, present and future challenges for museum institutions, etc.

The president of the Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE), Marta Vall-llosera, opened the debate.

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