To project, to build the city we rely on multiple references:

A classic one from the old modernity: the abstract, geometric, spatial vision. Despite the many criticisms received, memorable works have been produced from this point of view.

The post-modernism of the 1960s – fierce criticism – disappeared without leaving appreciable traces. Undoubtedly abstraction is a point of view still present to be completed. Other current visions, would take up pre-modern scenes: the imagination of Art-Nouveau: Gaudi, Plečnik in Ljubljana (extraordinary) and from there begins a picturesque, ornamental, irrational and populist drift that can be very unattractive. In fact the ecological, landscape argumentation, so anchored to the ground that it is, is often unable to raise arguments and relevant urban realities that go far beyond the picturesque and the short distance, we need to offer the possibility of broadening the gaze and experience.

Josep Lluís Mateo

Reference: “The joy of boring buildings“, Edwin Heathcote, Financial Times, 30-31 dec 2023

Salinas, Andreas Gursky, 2021